Welcome to the life of an alto player in a treble/bass world!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Picture/Writing Challenge Day 3

Hey Y'all!

Today's writing challenge, "Your Day in Great Detail."
 And since it's morning, I'll describe yesterday.  In great detail.

Okay so slept in to a whoppin' 7:30 because Tata was going to be in Las Vegas all day on a work trip, so  our mornings aren't quite as scheduled as they normally are.  Got up, went downstairs to the couch I read my Bible on every morning, and read me some 1 Samuel. 

After that I got some rice cooking for rice pudding to have for breakfast.  After it was cooked i put it in a pot with some evaporated milk and brown sugar, put the lid on and went to go play on Pinterest for 10 minutes.  Then I heard it boiling out of the pan and sizzling on the stove, I ran over pulled the lid off and smelled it burning.  This has just been the week of burning food for me, something I don't normally do.  I pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and dumped the rice into it and tasted it.  A miracle, it didn't taste burned.  Just the rice at the bottom of the pan was.  So I put it back into another pan, added some dried cranberries, orange zest and almond extract and let it continue to cook.  Then we ate it, and boy was it yummy. 

Me and my sister did the dishes after breakfast, and while I was scrubbing away at this burned pan my Mom told me to put a few drops of lemon essential oil in it and let it sit for a few minutes.  Did that, and it definitely helped with the scrubbing process. 

So then I went upstairs and threw on one of my favorite outfits, a pink paisley skirt I made last year that has somewhat shrunk so I don't really wear it out if the house anymore, and my Beaver Dam Creek T Shirt.  I love that shirt.  I got dressed, happy that my hair was still curly from the day before so I didn't really do anything with it. 

Went downstairs, and found my sister already doing school on Lauren's Personal Studying Couch aka the family living room couch that everyone uses.  So I plopped down on the loveseat that she usually does school on.  So for the next few hours I worked on Logic and Science and The Odyssey etc.  Alternating studies with instrument practice periods. 

Heated up some leftover pasta for lunch, and it was just as good as the night before. 

Now I will mention that this day was The Day.  The day that Downton Abbey Season 3 becomes available on Amazon.  And if you pre-order it...it usually comes that day.  So 1 o clock.  I checked the mail.  Empty.  I then decided I would check it at 2, and if our mail still wasn't there, then every half our after that.  2 pm rolled around and I got my sister to go to the mailbox with me and as I inserted the key and opened the box like I was opening the Ark of the Covenant, I saw the glorious key sitting there, the key for which you receive when you have a package that doesn't fit in your mailbox and they put it in a bigger one.  I threw it to my sister, she opened it and squealed that it was an Amazon package.  I pulled it out and shook it, yup sounds like a DVD. 

We ran back home and ran to Mom who was also hoped that Downton would come today.  We gave it to her and as she opened it she said, remember I've also ordered some winter hats for our trip this weekend, so keep that in mind.  But no, these were no beanie hats.  Out came Downton Abbey, and it practically threw itself into the DVD player. 

By this time me and Gabrielle were almost done with school/practicing but not yet, so Mom told us to forget the whole studying thing and go practice for 15 minutes then we could watch it.  So.  15 min later we were sitting down to that amazing theme song and the very first part of the introduction were Lord Grantham and his dog Isis are walking out on the lawn, and we all started squealing and clapping cause we were so darn excited.  Watched the first episode.  It was really good. 

Then we had to stop because I had to teach a lesson from 4 to 4:45, so I did that, then we worked on the menu planning and grocery list for the next day, started dinner and started the glorious episode 2.  Then 3 and 4 and 5.  (Yes this is what my family does when new seasons of TV shows enter the house on DVD) at this point it's about 9 and I'm thinking, alright good time to go to bed, busy day tomorrow etc.  But no we watched one more.  Then I showered and went to bed and stayed up for another 30 minutes thinking about episode 5.  And being depressed.  Because of episode 5.  So that was my day yesterday, rice pudding, school and Downton Abbey.  Good day.

And today's photo challenge is...Your Favorite Color...and I think you can tell what mine is:-)
TTYL- Lauren

1 comment:

  1. I liked this one best of all. All that about Downton Abbey was very amusing. :) Wish I could have seen it, alhough I don't know what it is about but I am sure it was good and the title reminds me of Jane Austin books. Run on sentence... I'm good at those. I am busy over here in Florida drooling over our non-exsitent garden. I can't wait until it actually comes to fruition... okay I will be pretty exicted when we get the seeds in the ground. Anyways I liked hearing about your day. :)

