Welcome to the life of an alto player in a treble/bass world!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey Look! It's a Post!

So I decided to try this whole blogging thing again:) This time I'll try to keep it up-to-date, and post a little (or a lot) more often.  So...

This last weekend our Pastor from our parent church in Modesto came down with most of his family.  It was SO nice to have a "live" pastor for church, and I'm so thankful they were able to come.   We had a great time with them, I was sad when Sunday night was over, and we all had to go home.  I'm also trying to get better at taking pictures of everything, so I have a few from this weekend to share:-)

Tradition when we had fellowship meals and gatherings at our house...we go to the park:-)   And although it was freezing outside we had loads of fun.    

We lost Z--- for a little while, while playing tag, then saw him run into the dark and scary (Well, i thought it was scary)tunnel down in the wash.  While standing just a few feet inside yelling/echoing "Z---" we then heard him mimicking the ever creepy "My...Precious."  Come to find out one of the Walker boys, C----- was perfect at the Smeagol voice:)

So while we're yelling at Z--- down one side of the tunnel (It's technically two tunnels) he jumps out the other side and scares us (me).  Then we went down the tunnel a ways using camera flashes to see, and found there was an opening into the other side. 

Later we went into the tunnel on the other side of the wash that was really short and we hung out for a while and had a fun time chatting with the Walker boys...seeing as how we just met them.

Then we came back, ate some dessert and played a rather fun game of Apples to Apples.

The next day after church we had a fellowship meal over at the B-------'s.  My sister Gabrielle and E---.


Ok, the pic before this one comes first, so scroll down...Five pictures later... you get a few smiles.

You ask 3 dudes to smile while you take a picture and this happens.  Ok, now the pic above:)

Although it was pretty cold outside, the kiddos had fun running around and playing.

Food.  One of my favorite parts, next to the people of course.  We had this yummy creamy chicken pasta, caprese salad, fruit salad, and rolls with garlic butter. And birthday cake for dessert!   

That's it for the pictures...for now.  I'll try to post again soon!  Happy January!



  1. Yay! There's my brother! :) I'll be glad to hear news of him, he always says nothing happens and never tells anything like this. I mean, it wasn't super big or anything, not like an earthquake, but it is something! lol ;)
